For the first time in ages, our little family had a Saturday to ourselves. So after a leisurely morning, and a nap for Mayana, we packed a picnic and decided to head out to relive one of our favourite pastimes.
We had originally intended to picnic by one of the dams, but for some reason we changed our minds and went out to Crows Nest National Park & Waterfalls – just under an hour’s drive away.
I’m so glad we did. We haven’t been there for a few years. Last time we went was pre-Mayana, and with my brother and sister for a camping trip. It was the middle of winter, and absolutely freezing- or below if we’re going to be pedantic: –2degrees! Back then, there wasn’t much of a waterfall.. more of a trickle – if anything.
Not today. We had a beautiful bushwalk, and after all the rain we’ve had it was absolutely glorious. Running water and mini-waterfalls everywhere. And the main one was big and loud and beautiful.
It was a perfect way to spend a day with my wonderful husband and cutie-patootie Mayana Berry. And a great chance to do some experimenting with our lovely dream-camera (with freshly charged new batteries).
Here are some of my favourites…
Picnic lunch … food is so delicious when you eat it outdoors.
Which way!!?? We did start the walk off with Mayana in her bike, but the track was a bit slushy from the rain, so Peter ended up going back to the car and getting the Tomy Safari sling (one of those ones that straps to your front) and carrying her in that. One of the benefits of having a nearly 14 months old who only weighs about 7.5kg is that we can still easily carry her around in one of those for a good few hours at a time. This was supposed to be a path. I can’t remember if there used to a be a bridge here or not, but either way we couldn’t cross. Luckily there was another route!
Of course Mayana had to touch the water. She would have jumped right in given half a chance!
Last time we came this was bone dry and all sand. My sister and I lay in the sun on those rocks while my husband and our brother climbed and explored. Remember that Alexie?? Crazy huh!?
Peter being creative with camera settings. Clever man!
My attempt at creative shutter-speeds. I’m soooo happy with how this turned out! Isn’t it beautiful?
Pretty greenery on a start rock background. It was begging for a photo.
Spider! Another shot I’m really happy with.
The big waterfall. Photo by Peter. It’s hard to capture because of the trees that have grown up around the lookout, but I really like how he’s focussed on the tree and the waterfall makes up the background.
So we’re getting a bit clever with our dream-camera, don’t you think?
Anyway, we had a lovely afternoon together- it’s definitely something we plan to do more often. After all, we’ve only got another nine months or so to live here, and there is still so much unexplored territory!
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