Tuesday, 25 August 2009

I love...

Stationery. Sad, I know, but true. My Dad reckons it's the inner-teacher in me... maybe he's right, but I have always loved it.

I loved those weeks before a new school year, when you got all your new books and pens and pencil case items, and got to cover your books. I love covering books. I used to do really cool stuff like cover them with fantale wrappers. My brother and sisters would even get me to cover their books. This year was the first year that I can remember that I didn't cover their books... and only cos I was kinda busy having a baby.

So anyway, this awesome new shop opened up at our local shopping centre.

A whole store dedicated to beautiful, bright, funky stationery. My dream store, seriously. I can see myself spending a lot of time there, dreaming, drooling, trying to remember that I can't spend because I'm supposed to be saving for our Perth trip.

To celebrate its opening today, I bought myself this most fabulous pen:

I bought Pete one too. That's how fabulous I think it is. It is like a whole pencil case in one pen. It has a blue pen, a red pen, a pacer and a highlighter. All in this one spunky pink pen. Seriously, that's cool. Even if you're not a stationery lover like me, you have to admit that.

I love my new pen!


  1. I just thought it was a girl thing! I love stationary - it was the best part of the new school year. Smiggle is great!

  2. Have you just discovered Smiggle? There's been one in my area for a few years now, and my school kids are always excited when they discover that I have Smiggle stationary too - it's very popular from about Grade 3 upwards.


Thank you!!


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