Monday, 15 November 2010

(Unofficially) officially finished!

Today I got the grade back for my Last Ever Uni Assignment (you know, that 4000 word pain-in-my-butt???). This means that I know all of my grades for the semester, and know that I’ve completed and passed every course in my university degree, but it’s not officially official until the 26th of November, when our overall grades are officially released.

But I got 60/65 for the Evil Report, and I unofficially know that I have earned a HD for both of the courses I did this semester. And through my genius mathematical skills (Thanks of course to John Green, my uni maths lecturer), I have found that my graduating GPA (grade point average) will be *just* under 6.5. Out of 7. I’m beyond thrilled with that, and so proud of my hard work. It was my goal to graduate with a GPA of 6 or higher, so I feel somewhat triumphant.

It’s all official enough though to apply for my teacher registration, which is pretty exciting!

Dude, I’m a TEACHER!


  1. Congratulations Zoey :) and Peter too. Well deserved and you will be an awesome teacher.

  2. Congrats both of you
    the children will be very lucky to have you as their teachers

  3. Wow! You are one clever cookie!! Well done on all you have achieved - all the best kinds of people are teachers :)


Thank you!!


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