Monday 2 April 2012

35 Weeks

Flip! I officially have less than 5 weeks until my due date. Insane.

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I have officially lost sight of my toes. In fact, I had to lean forward quite a bit to find them for this photo. The baby is feeling quite big, and movements now don’t feel so much like kicks as scrapes, as he moves his limbs (sometimes quite painfully) along my insides. It has been fun to try and guess whether those sharp poky bits are knees or elbows or feet, even if they sometimes do bring a tear to my eye!

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I am well and truly running out of clothes now. I have mostly gotten away with stretchy or flowy summer dresses up until now, and it’s frustrating that less than five weeks out I have to actually fork out for some maternity-wear. But at this point it’s that or naked, and that’s not going to fly!

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I am feeling well, still reading my birthing books and other people’s birthing stories (which really does little more at this point than bring back memories of how flipping much labour hurts) but I’ll get there. I spoke to the midwife at this week’s appointment about visiting the birthing suites, and I’m hoping we will get a chance to do that before I actually have to use them. They only allow visits on Sunday afternoons (their quiet time, who knew?) and we are well and truly running out of weekends!

We have decided to have Mayana and Baby Two in the same room from the beginning (for a number of reasons), and I am excited about setting up that room and moving Mayana in, hopefully in the next week or so, so we can get things sorted and ready.

So all-in-all, another week of pregnancy down, another week closer to meeting my son. Nothing too eventful, which is probably a good things, and I am enjoying my pregnancy and my bump and these last few weeks of having my baby safe and sound on the inside.

Can’t wait to meet him and cuddle him on the outside though!!

1 comment:

  1. You look really great! I still read up about you, you know! And I love that you guys are having a boy - Takes me back. All the best x


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