This weekend had such a lovely, fun, weekendy vibe to it. A whole two days stretching us with no big plans, no traveling... Just the three of us and anything we wanted to do... After being away for the last three weekends in a row, that felt awesome.
Our one downer of the weekend was going out to let the chooks out on Saturday morning and finding that our poor Nana Joy chook had passed away during the night. Nana Joy was the boss of the two, and poor old Aunty Judy seemed to be very withdrawn and lost without her. We called the local feed barn, expecting to have to go on the wait list for some point-of-lay pullets, but they just happened to have some in, so we went out and got two new friends for Aunty Judy. After much deliberation, Mayana finally landed on two very cool names for her new girls: Olivia, who is white, and Hoot, who is red.

Aunty Judy was a little wary to begin with, but certainly hasn't been backwards in coming forwards about establishing the pecking order. I never knew she could be so vocal! While we are all extremely sad to have farewelled Nana Joy Chookie, we are happy to have our two new girls join the family... One of them has even laid an egg already!

The rest of the day I just relished my time with my lovely husband and daughter. Mayana and I played play dough, made drawings, watched Tangled (a new favourite), painted our nails, and played in her new kitchen. We also went to a birthday party and watched our brother in law's hockey final.
I learned something important this weekend; you know that scripture in Proverbs, the one that says a harsh word stirs up anger, but a gentle answer turns away wrath? In all my quality one-on-one time with Mayana this weekend, I learned how much those words ring true in my interactions with her. The moment any harshness enters my tone, she is crushed, and tears quickly ensue. But if I work to make my tone kind, and to explain things to her, she responds beautifully. I enjoyed every minute of my time with her this weekend, my daughter truly is a delight.
We had a great church service today, too.. Where I led worship for the first time. It's so great to really feel involved and a part of a church again. I think it's helping us to feel settled here, more quickly than what we did in Toowoomba. We lunched with my sister and her hubby, then came home and crashed for a while, before my parents rang and announced they were coming over for dinner! Which being that they live an hour and a half away was a very lovely surprise, and a great way to finish off what has been a fabulous weekend.
Hope yours was great too!